Audi’s New Book of Historical Vehicles

This Story Brought to You By: George Sedlak

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The first and last Horch from Ingolstadt: Auto Union board member Dr. Dr. Richard Bruhn received his company car in June 1953. It was rebuilt from a Horch 830 BL Pullman sedan from the final pre-war series. The car was brought to the United States by an American soldier stationed in Germany, where it resurfaced decades later. The only Horch ever built in Ingolstadt has been part of AUDI AG’s historical collection since 2008.

Audi’s New Book of Historical Vehicles

Two DKWs from Brazil, visible in the foreground, are among the historical collection rarities: a 1967 DKW-Vemag Belcar sedan and a 35-fiberglass-body DKW Malzoni GT.
Photo: Stefan Warter, AUDI AG.

Audi’s archive of automobiles as an illustrated book: under the title “insights”, Audi Tradition’s new book, published by Delius Klasing Verlag, invites you to take an impressive journey through more than a century of exciting automotive history. For the publication, Berlin-based photographer Stefan Warter spent several days at the depots where AUDI AG’s historical vehicle collection is housed. The result? Over 360 high quality images of prestigious cars, with commentary from renowned Audi historian, Ralf Friese. Warter and Friese will present the latest Audi Tradition Edition title and sign copies on request at the Audi museum mobile in Ingolstadt starting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, and at the Audi Forum in Neckarsulm starting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25. Please register in advance; admission is free.

An American Army officer stationed in Germany took the Wanderer W 25 K to the United States and drove it there until 1956. This W 25 K was originally a roadster. An unknown sheet metal artist modified it with convertible doors, making it more weatherproof.

Audi’s illustrious history lends the vehicle collection a scope encompassing several brands, including Auto Union, DKW, Horch, Wanderer, and NSU. Since December 15, 2000, the Audi museum mobile in Ingolstadt, has provided a representative cross section of the company’s history with selected exhibits. In addition, a permanent exhibition at the Audi Forum Neckarsulm, using the two- and four-wheel models produced by NSU and Audi as an example, demonstrates the local history; however, due to space constraints, only a fraction of AUDI AG’s historical vehicle collection can be shown in both exhibitions. The new book “insights” gives an impression of what is in the Audi Tradition depots, which are not open to the public.

The DKW Front models were constantly being upgraded. From the left: a 1931 DKW F 1, a 1937 DKW F 5 roadster, and a 1933 DKW F 2 Meisterklasse convertible sedan.