Alfa Romeo’s First Vehicle

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24 HP (1910)

Alfa Romeo’s First Vehicle

24 HP (1910)

The A.L.F.A. 24 hp model designed by Giuseppe Merosi was Alfa Romeo’s first automobile. During the first ten years of the company’s life, they were called A.L.F.A., standing for Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili. The vehicle was assembled in the Portello district of Milan and was powered by a 4.1-liter engine. Top speed was in the neighborhood of 60 mph although a lighter and faster racing version, the ‘Corse,’ debuted in the Targa Florio race in 1911.

24 HP (1910)

There were around 650 examples of the 24hps produced between 1910 and 1920. In August of 1915, the A.L.F.A Company came under the direction of Neapolitan entrepreneur Nicola Romeo and in 1920 the name was changed to the now familiar Alfa Romeo.

24 HP (1910)
24 HP (1910)

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