2017 April Myclassic Car of The Month
There have been some major changes in our relationship with the automobile over the decades. In the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s there seemed to be an attachment by the entire family to their automobile. That attachment to the automobile is evident with the pictures of the past, especially from the 50’s & 60’s. It is true, families took more road trips back in the day, but when you look back through the family album, it is apparent that the vehicle was a part of the family. Along with pictures of the children at the designated attraction, our albums of the past are full of the children with the family vehicle in the background, the mom and dad in another shot and the entire family in another with the family roadster. These pictures became long term conversation pieces over the years and later generations. Nowadays, the families send instant images over social media of a family dinner on the road and at the local attraction, but something has vanished out of the picture, the family car. If you remember the movie, “Back to The Future”, when Michael J. Fox disappears from the photograph into non-existence, it is much the same as digital photos now. Unless you’re a car enthusiast, the automobile has essentially disappeared from the digital age of photography.
My father used to say that we really never own a car, we are just the stewards of them until the next person takes possession. Every time we would pass an old car on the road, he would say “Could you imagine the stories that that old car could tell?” It wasn’t until my dad was gone that I realized what he was talking about.
Myclassic’s Car of The Month for April 2017 portrays the relationship that we had and have with our vehicles. Jim Jordan of Oklahoma City is the proud steward of this beautiful 1956 Cadillac. Jim bought it 10 years ago from an individual who purchased it in 1962 as a family car. Thanks for wearing your Myklassic shirt as well Jim.
Jim was lucky enough to receive pictures from the previous owner documenting the car’s history. From 1962 to 2006 the owner put 200,000 miles on this Cadillac and in 10 years Jim has put another 50,000 miles on her. Below are some awesome photos of a family and this Cadillac during their journeys through the decades.
Looking at these pictures that make up a family’s history, it seems to put the fascination with our automobiles into perspective. It doesn’t matter if we desire a show car or a driver, they all portray an historic value and have given us, as individuals and families, a sense that we belonged in history at that particular moment. In this case, it is apparent that over the years this family had a lot of fun traveling the American countryside in their 56′ Cadillac. The evidence is in the photographs. And now that Jim Jordan has taken possession, this Cadillac’s story will continue to be written.
There is another twist to the story of this beautiful piece of artwork. The original sonic blue was painted pink last winter for an upcoming Jake Gyllenhaal movie called “Wildlife”, which is due to be released later this year.
We would like to thank Jim Jordan for all the pictures of his beautiful 1956 Cadillac and for giving us the opportunity to view all the history of this car’s journey. If this Cadillac could talk, could you imagine the stories that it could tell.
We hope you enjoyed these awesome pictures and if you would like your classic car considered for the Myclassic of The Month, email us at rick@duncanwalls.com or Click Here to fill out the form on our contact page.
Photo Credit: All photos herein are the property of Jim Jordan and were published by MyclassicNEWS with his permission and consent. All content herein, other than property published by permission, is the property of myclassicnews.com and any reproduction, other than normal social media sharing, is strictly prohibited. Copyright ©, myclassicnews.com. For reprint permission contact us at rick@duncanwalls.com
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