What did They Drive?

This Story Brought to You By: George Sedlak

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No matter who your favorite team or player is or was, you have to respect the “Greats” of sports. Every weekend www.myklassic.com shares some of those greats history with a twist. What did they Drive?

 Babe Ruth was born in 1895 and died in 1948. It’s hard to deny that he molded the term we use at myklassic “the essence of sports”. Much like the impression Bobby Jones left on the sport of golf, The Babe did the same for baseball. He debuted in Major League Baseball on July 11, 1914 and his last appearance was on May 30, 1935. He was immediately elected into the Hall of Fame in 1936. He was a 7-time World Series Champion. Named the greatest baseball player of all time by The Sporting News and the number 2 Athlete of the 20th century by ESPN Sports Century. Ruth was the home run king with 714 until Hank Aaron came along. He had 2973 hits, 2213 RBI’s  and an ERA of 2.28. The Babe was delivered to an Industrial School at the age of 7, where he lived until he was 19 and overall his childhood was very tough, but somehow he broke free and become one of the most famous sports names in history. There are many stories that he did all he could to help the children. Many say that he would be driving down the streets in one of his cars, he really like Lincolns, and The Babe would pick up a load of poor kids and take them for hamburgers and ice cream, then give them tickets to the Yankees games. That is why we say at www.myklassic.com that he was the essence of sports. Unfortunately, you do not see that in this day and time.

The Babe loved cars, pictured here is one of his last known Lincolns that a Texas businessman purchased. His 1948 Lincoln Continental.

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