The most famous daredevil of all time, Evil Knievel, was born in 1938. He was known for his spectacular motorcycle jumps that are un-touched to this day, but he also loved his automobiles. Here are some of his cars and classics that were associated with Knievel.
Some interesting facts:
Evil attempted over 75 motorcycle ramp jumps
He suffered more than 433 bone fractures in his lifetime
In 1971 Evil jumped a record 19 cars on his Harley XR 750
Also in 1971 Evil set records by selling back to back 100,000 seats in the Houston Astrodome.
With both arms in casts, Evil beat an author with a baseball bat, because the writer stated in his book that Knievel abused his wife and kids. Evil’s family never validated the writer’s claims.
All of us that grew up in the 1960’s and 70’s remember Evil Knievel and many of us mimicked him on our bicycles. Evil died at the age of 69 of pulmonary disease in Clearwater, Florida.
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